cashew rawnut

Raw Cashewnut

Cashew Rawnuts are hard shells of kidney shaped beneath the Cashew apple. The major producers of raw cashew nuts are India, Brazil, Vietnam, Cote d'Ivoire, Tanzania, Guinea Bissau, Benin, Nigeria, Mozambique and Indonesia. We source forth a qualitative range of Raw Cashewnuts both locally and globally. We also supply african and indonesian origin raw cashewnuts.

Cashew Related Info

Cashew Grades

Cashews are graded on how white they are and how broken the kernel is. Following are the different grades. more info

Flavoured Cashews

Flavored cashew nuts are favorite between meal or a snack and a special addition to salads and stir-fry dishes.  more info


Correct selection, design and construction of the packaging is just as important for loss-free transport.  more info